change begins with me

Who We Are

Initiatives of Change (IofC) is an association of people guided and inspired by shared ideals and values as expressed in Rukunegara and carried forward by people of different beliefs who seek inner inspiration for individual and common action.
Vision: a world transformed through a shift in attitude, discipline and purpose.

What We Do

Vision: a world transformed-through a shift in attitude, discipline and purpose.

Mission: to inspire, equip and connect people to address world needs, starting with themselves. We work worldwide on many initiatives through a network of individuals, groups and organizations.

Focus Areas

Trustbuilding: Peace and social cohesion through trust and reconciliation. 
Ethical Leadership: Developing a leadership culture based on moral integrity, compassion and selfless service. 
Sustainable living: Economic justice and environmental sustainability by transformation of motives and behaviour.

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International & Local

Asia Pacific Youth Conference

APYC brings together young Change Makers who are willing to collectively engage with and respond to the challenges that our world is facing today, for the sake of a better future. 


School for Changemakers

SfCM is partly skills based, partly reflective, partly discursive, partly inter-cultural, heavily convivial, inspirational, focussed on sound principles of youth work and always rooted in the spiritual experience of IofC.

International & Local


Creators of Peace

Creators of Peace (CoP) is an international women’s initiative started in 1991. It challenges women everywhere to: Engage in the creation of peace at every level of society.


Caux Scholars Program

The Caux Scholars Program provides practitioners with interconnected learning experiences demonstrating how peace building works within complex, volatile and multi-level contexts.


Business Ethics Institute Malaysia

Creating a cleaner, more transparent and accountable model of business practice towards a fairer business landscape for all Malaysians.


Caux Initiative of Business

(CIB) encourages business leaders, young professionals, NGO representatives, trade unionists, experts and decision makers to work together to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of values – in personal conduct and in economic life.

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